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Use of Network File Systems

Many installations store their data on network file systems.
Sometimes this is done via NFS, or by using a Network Attached Storage (NAS) device that uses NFS internally.

Nomadesk does nothing special for NFS file systems, meaning it assumes NFS behaves exactly like locally-connected drives.
If the client or server NFS implementation does not provide standard file system semantics, this can cause reliability problems (see

Specifically, delayed (asynchronous) writes to the NFS server can cause data corruption problems.
If possible, mount the NFS file system synchronously (without caching) to avoid this hazard.
Also, soft-mounting the NFS file system is not recommended.

Using NFS as a storage backend is recommended to use at last NFSv3 and to have an external database so that the database is not stored on NFS.

Storage Area Networks (SAN) typically use communication protocols other than NFS, and may or may not be subject to hazards of this sort.
It's advisable to consult the vendor's documentation concerning data consistency guarantees.
Nomadesk cannot be more reliable than the file system it's using.