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Release Notes: 12.2.0

We are excited to announce the latest updates to the Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance.
This release brings a host of new features, improvements, and fixes designed to enhance your experience and streamline your workflow.
From improved installation procedures to enhanced security measures, we’ve worked hard to ensure that this update meets your needs and exceeds your expectations.

Below, you’ll find a detailed list of all the changes included in this release. We hope you find these updates valuable and look forward to your feedback.

New Features, Improvements and BugFixes

  • [Feature]Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance Documentation: Documentation website was created
    • Converted the PDF documentation to a website
    • Updated installation method to remove OVA/OVF support and prefer the kickstart ISO method
    • Added NFS documentation
    • Added External PostgreSQL documentation
    • Added documentation on how to set up an external high available PostgreSQL with PG-Pool2
    • Added terminal access documentation
    • Added documentation about storage solutions
    • Added documentation on how to create a Let’s Encrypt certificate using a docker container and DNS-01
    • Added admin portal documentation
    • Added upgrade documentation
    • Added release notes to the documentation
    • Added Microsoft Azure Documentation
  • [Feature]External Database Support: Added support for external databases.
  • [Feature]Added support for NFS storage
  • [Feature]Kickstart ISO Installation: The installation procedure has been updated to always use a kickstart ISO. The Anaconda installer is now Nomadesk branded.
  • [Feature]License and Registry Credentials Update: Added support for updating the license ID and registry credentials after installation.
  • [Feature]SELinux Support: Added support for SELinux.
  • [Feature]Setup will now prompt to disable nm-cloud-setup if it is enabled when installing on an existing machine.
  • [Feature]Mobile/e2f Support: can now be turned off during installation
  • [Feature]Environment Initialization: Skipped/not shown when installing from the Nomadesk ISO file as it is already done upfront.
  • [Feature]Kubernetes Images: Kubernetes now starts with images on the Nomadesk mirror.
  • [Feature]Graphical Improvements: Improved the setup flow with better feedback to the user.
  • [Feature]Repository Mirrors: The appliance now uses the Nomadesk repository mirrors (base, appstream, extras, and EPEL).
  • [Feature]Custom Console Message: When viewing the console or logging in with SSH, users are greeted with a custom Nomadesk message with information about the appliance.
  • [Feature]Nomadesk Branded Setup Screen: The initial setup console screen is now Nomadesk branded.
  • [Feature]Firewall Enabled by Default: The appliance now has a firewall enabled by default (new setups only). Open ports include 22, 80, 443, 8181, 9090, and 6443.
  • [Improvement]Documentation and Support Links: Added links in the setup to the Nomadesk Appliance documentation and support pages.
  • [Improvement]Installer Database Migration: The installer database has been migrated to /mnt/data/etc, ensuring it is stored on the external disk.
  • [Improvement]Upgrade Finished Page: Added a new page to indicate when an upgrade is finished.
  • [Improvement]Threading Improvements: General threading improvements have been made for better performance.
  • [Improvement]Certificate Usage: The installer itself now uses the provided certificate, eliminating the need for a self-signed certificate once the certificate has been validated.
  • [Improvement]The test container is now upfront during the dependencies step for faster progression
  • [Improvement]Single Test Container: Only a single container is needed for all tests, speeding up the setup process.
  • [Improvement]Page Refresh Handling: Refreshing pages during installation will not start a new install but will show the logging from the current installation process.
  • [Improvement]Installer State Management: The installer now keeps state between pages and actions.
  • [Improvement]Registry Credentials Verification: Now using an HTTP GET request to verify the registry credentials instead of using a Docker-in-Docker container.
  • [Improvement]HTTP Installer Option Removed: Removed the option to run the installer as HTTP (port 8080).
  • [Improvement]Log File Location: Moved the log file to /mnt/data/log.
  • [Improvement]Installer Database Location: Moved the installer database to /mnt/data/etc/installer.db
  • [BugFix]Fixed an issue where Cockpit was not enabled after installation.
  • [BugFix]Controller Pod Restart: After installation, the installer waits for the controller pod to restart instead of continuing immediately.
  • [BugFix]SyncServer: Client can now sync Vaults with more than 32k folders
  • [BugFix]Removed the size column from the group vaults list in myNomadesk