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Installing Nomadesk

Install and configure the Nomadesk software after the base operating system has been installed.

Accessing the installation Wizard

Please configure your DNS first, Nomadesk cannot be installed without a valid DNS configuration.

Once the DNS has been applied, the installation wizard is reachable on port 8181 (https://<hostname>:8181)

The following page will be displayed if you did not create a user in the configuration step, if you did, a login screen will be shown instead to log in with that user.

Nomadesk Installer

Wizard Start Page

Once logged in the installation wizard will be shown, click Start the Installation to begin.

Nomadesk Installer

System Initialization

The system initialization is only needed when installing Nomadesk on an existing machine.
When using any other installation method this step will be skipped.

This step makes sure the environment that Nomadesk is being installed on complies with all of the requirements.
Once finished it will take you to the License step.

Nomadesk Installer


In this step the license information is requested that was provided by Nomadesk when purchasing the Nomadesk Private Cloud, this includes:

  • A license key
  • Login credentials

Once filled in the setup will verify both the license key and registry credentials.

Take care

Only one installation can be active at any given time, any other installation will be deactivated!

Once everything is verified the setup will take you to the Dependencies step

Nomadesk Installer


In this step the Nomadesk system configuration is requested, this includes:

  • Host name: the URL that the Nomadesk Private Cloud will be reachable on
  • Web certificate: a valid (none self signed) certificate for the above domain name
  • SMTP credentials: Nomadesk sends emails so a working SMTP server is required
Take care

Make sure the certificate contains the full chain

Take care

Self signed certificates are not supported!
Find our documentation on how to create a Let's Encrypt certificate using certbot with docker here.

Once done, click Next to validate the information, if everything is correct the wizard will forward you to the Nomadesk Configuration step.

Nomadesk Installer

Nomadesk Configuration

In this final step Nomadesk software settings are requested, this includes:

  • An admin account to manage the Nomadesk installation on https://<hostname>/admin
  • If users are allowed to create accounts themselves

Nomadesk Installer


After this a summary is shown, click Confirm to start the installation process

Nomadesk Installer

Installation Progress

The installation happens in a few phases:

  • Dependencies are installed (PostgreSQL and Redis databases)
  • Web certificate is installed
  • The parts of the Nomadesk software are downloaded
  • Nomadesk databases are created and settings are applied
  • Installing Nomadesk itself

Once done the wizard will redirect to the Management interface to manage your cloud.

Continue reading the Nomadesk Getting Started to start using the private cloud

Nomadesk Installer

The management interface looks as follows:

Nomadesk Installer

Note that before being able to create Vaults users will have to be created and have a license assigned.
See the admin portal getting started for more information