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Kickstart ISO

The Kickstart ISO is a Nomadesk installation disk that streamlines the installation process using a predefined configuration file.

Downloading the ISO

You can download the necessary ISO file for this installation method from the Nomadesk software FolderLink here:

Booting the Virtual Machine from the ISO

After creating the virtual machine, boot it from the downloaded ISO file.
Upon booting from the Kickstart ISO, the following screen should appear:

Kickstart Install

Configuring a Static IP Address

If your network uses DHCP, you can skip this step.
Otherwise, you'll need to provide the IP configuration for the installation to proceed.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Allow the network configuration to time-out and then configure the IP using the GUI.
  2. Manually update the start up command to include a static IP.

Configuring IP Using the GUI

Press Enter on the screen shown above.
This action will attempt to fetch an IP address using DHCP.
If no DHCP server is available, the network setup will time out after 1.5 minutes, allowing you to manually enter a static IP address in the setup graphical interface.

To enter a static IP, click on Network and Host Name in the options. This is where the network setup is done.

Kickstart Installer

Select the network interface in the list and press Configure in the bottom right:

Kickstart Installer

Go to the IPv4 tab, set the Method to manual, and add the IP address(es). DNS servers can be separated by a comma.

Kickstart Installer


Make sure the configured interface is enabled before clicking Done (top right corner).

Kickstart Installer

Once this step is done, click the Done bottom in the top left corner, the repository information will be automatically fetched.

Click Begin Installation once the installation sources have been fetched to start the automatic installation process.

Kickstart Installer

Once the installation is finished, the machine will shut down. Make sure to remove the attached ISO file.

After the installation is complete, proceed to the Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance installation step.

Configuring IP by Updating the Start-up Command

Press Tab on the boot screen and modify the start-up command.

Remove the ip=dhcp part and add the following:

ip=<ip>:<boot srv ip>:<gateway>:<netmask>:<hostname>:<interface>:none nameserver=<nameserver>


  • ip: The static IP address you want to assign
  • boot server: can be left empty
  • gateway: The default gateway IP address
  • netmask: The subnet mask
  • hostname: The host name of the system (can be left blank if not needed)
  • interface: The network interface (e.g., eth0, enp1s0)
  • none: This is to specify that no configuration file is used

Here’s an example for a machine on the network where is the gateway and DNS server on the enp1s0 interface: nameserver=

alt text

Once added, press Enter to start the automatic installation procedure.

When the installation is finished, the machine will shut down. Make sure to remove the attached ISO file.
Proceed to the Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance installation step.