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Manual Kickstart File

Pass the kickstart configuration file manually instead of using the ISO file

Starting the Installer

Doing the installation manually can be handy if you do not want to run a kickstart configuration file downloaded from the internet or want to update the kickstart file with your own internal AlmaLinux repositories.

Add your boot ISO (or start from PXE) on the previously created virtual machine, the Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance kickstart file has been verified to work with AlmaLinux 9 and higher but should work for any RHEL based distribution.

Start the machine and on the boot screen press TAB, add the following to the start up command:


Update the URL to match your location if not using the Nomadesk provided file.

Kickstart Installer

When the installation is finished, the machine will shut down. Make sure to remove the attached ISO file.
Proceed to the Nomadesk Private Cloud Software Appliance installation step.

Using a Static IP

Press Tab on the boot screen and modify the start-up command.

Remove the ip=dhcp part and add the following:

ip=<ip>:<boot srv ip>:<gateway>:<netmask>:<hostname>:<interface>:none nameserver=<nameserver>


  • ip: The static IP address you want to assign
  • boot server: can be left empty
  • gateway: The default gateway IP address
  • netmask: The subnet mask
  • hostname: The host name of the system (can be left blank if not needed)
  • interface: The network interface (e.g., eth0, enp1s0)
  • none: This is to specify that no configuration file is used

Here’s an example for a machine on the network where is the gateway and DNS server on the enp1s0 interface: nameserver=

Add the inst.ks configuration option that was mentioned in the previous step:


Kickstart Installer

Once added, press enter to start the automatic installation procedure from where the kickstart ISO starts off.

When done, the machine will shut down, unmount the ISO file and continue with the installation step.