Controller and Storage API Change Log


  • Updated: Added C# example for file upload


  • Removed: Zuora Billing Api documentation - see new billing api swagger docs
  • Removed: SetLicenseType api request


  • Updated: CreateAccount response now includes the unique identifier
  • Updated: CreateAccount request now has an optional PartnerName when requests are made as a distributor
  • Updated: CreatePartnerAccount now inclues the unique identifier


  • Removed ListFolderRevisions, use ListRevisions instead.
  • Updated revisions API calls. Manual revision functionality has been removed: the functionality to manually add a revision with a comment has been removed.\
    Revisions now have a VersionID associated with them.\
    Changed API calls:
    • ListRevisions: "Comment" field and "Type" (RevisionType) field has been removed. "VersionID" field has been added.
    • DownloadRevision: "VersionID" parameter has been added to replace "Date" parameter, "Date" parameter has been removed.
    • CreateRevision: has been removed (this was the manual revision create functionality).
    • RemoveRevision: "VersionID" parameter has been added to replace "Date" parameter, "Date" parameter has been removed.
    • RestoreRevision: "VersionID" parameter has been added to replace "Date" paramter, "Date" parameter has been removed. Removed "Async" parameter, synchronous restoring of revisions is not supported anymore: they will now always be executed as a background task (only async).
    • RestoreFolderRevision: Removed "Async" parameter, synchronous restoring of revisions is not supported anymore: they will now always be executed as a background task (only async).
  • Updated trash API calls. Trash entries now have a VersionID associated with them.\
    Changed API calls:
    • ListTrash: "VersionID" field has been added.
    • DownloadTrash: "VersionID" parameter has been added.
    • RemoveTrash: "VersionID" parameter has been added.
    • RestoreTrash: "VersionID" parameter has been added. Removed "Async" parameter, synchronous restoring of trash is not supported anymore: they will now always be executed as a background task (only async).


  • Updated GetActivity for controller and storage, the node and event type were split up


  • Removed StartDownloadAsZip and DownloadAsZip: Use the Zip API instead


  • Updated CreateFileserver for Storage: "BrandingId" and "AddSeedFiles" parameters have been removed
  • Removed DownloadServerLogs
  • Removed GetStorageNodes
  • Removed GetServerStatus


  • Updated UpdateFileServer: "ResetIndex" functionality not supported for Vaults on ObjectStorage (workspace.StorageType of value ObjectStorage)
  • Updated GetFileserverInfo for Controller and Storage: now returns workspace StorageType as well
  • API Status Code: 4350 has been added


  • Updated GetDashboards: Added OS and OSVersion
  • Updated GetLocationInfo: Added OS and OSVersion


  • Removed GetSettings: moved to the nomadesk settings api
  • Removed UpdateSettings: moved to the nomadesk settings api
  • Removed CreateBrand: moved to the nomadesk settings api
  • Removed GetBrands: moved to the nomadesk settings api


  • Fixed the ReportLost documentation
  • Removed IPAddress authentication, replaced with ApiKey


  • Added GetLocationSubscribeSettings: gets the subscription settings for a location
  • Added SetLocationSubscribeSettings: sets the subscription settings for a location
  • Removed StartMoveFileserver: multi storage node is no longer supported
  • Removed FinishMoveFileserver: multi storage node is no longer supported
  • Removed UploadFileserver: multi storage node is no longer supported


  • Added GetWorkspaceLocationLastSyncReport
  • Added GetLastSyncReportSyncProblems


  • Updated Mkdir: Removed the response FileInfos
  • Updated General: Improved formatting
  • Updated General: Removed Kerberos/Active Directory support
  • Updated FileUpload: name must now be valid on all supported platforms
  • Updated Mkdir: name must now be valid on all supported platforms


  • Updated CreateWorkflow: can now specifiy the eventtype to be triggered
  • Updated HTTPCallback Workflow, action was renamed to eventtype
  • Updated GetWorkflow: added registred EventTypes, Recursive and IncludeFile


  • Added CreateFileserverApiKey
  • Added RemoveFileserverApiKey
  • Added GetFileserverApiKeys
  • Updated Logon: Added ApiKey logon method


  • Workflows: multiple workflows are now allowed on a path
  • Updated CreateWorkflow: formatting
  • Updated GetWorkflow: now returns multiple workflows
  • Updated RemoveWorkflow: changed so the workflow ID must be passed
  • Removed UpdateWorkflow: to update, remove the old version and create the workflow again


  • Added CreateWorkflow, UpdateWorkflow, RemovedWorkflow and GetWorkflow
  • Deprecated CreateNotification: use CreateWorkflow on storage api instead
  • Removed EditNotification on controller and storage: converted to Workfows, use UpdateWorkflow
  • Removed RemoveNotification on controller and storage: converted to Workflows, use RemoveWorkflow
  • ReAdded ReActivateFileserver: can now restore only removed vaults


  • Removed SuspendFileserver: part of data retention policy, not for manual(api) use
  • Removed ReActivateFileserver: part of data retention policy, not for manual(api) use


  • Updated GetFileLink and GetFolderLink: Added 'RequireIdent' parameter that forces the users to identify themself


  • Fixed the GetAsynchronousTaskStatus documentation
  • Added CreateE2FLink: Creates an E2F link
  • Added RemoveE2FLink: Removes an E2F link
  • Added UpateE2FLink: Updates the path of an existing E2F link
  • Updated ConfirmAccountTransfer: updated documentation
  • Updated InviteUser: Added SkipEmail parameter so that existing users do not get an email


  • Updated EditLink updated: AllowDownload is a deprecated parameter, see api documentation for more info.
  • Updated GetFileLink/GetFolderLink updated: AllowDownload is a deprecated parameter, see api documentation for more info.
  • Updated SendFileLink/SendFolderLink updated: AllowDownload is a deprecated parameter, see api documentation for more info.


  • Added GetTrials (Fetch all trials account for a reseller's account).
  • Updated GetAccountInfo: when a user's account information is fetched, "AllowManageAccount" will be checked and put on "false" if expiry date is exceeded.
  • Updated SearchPartners: Output was updated: EmailAddress, CreatedOn fields have been renamed for consistency.
  • Updated SearchPartners: now supports standard sorting, filtering, pagination. Custom search parameters have been removed

  • "Type" param will be removed from API Calls: GetFileserverInfo and GetFileservers.


  • Added RequestManageAccount: Sends an email to the user to request account impersonation/management
  • Added ConfirmManageAccount: Confirms the account impersonation requested by 'RequestManageAccount'
  • Added ManageAccount: Manages the account when allowed by following RequestManageAccount flow
  • Updated ChangeAccountInfo: Added "AllowManageAccount", if this is set to true, allows the reseller / support to manage the account.


  • Removed the internal CreateAccount and RemoveAccount storage Api calls
  • Updated CreateFileserver: removed deprecated element 'Fileserver Type'
  • Updated GetFileservers: removed deprecated element 'Fileserver Type'
  • Updated GetLocationInfo: removed deprecated element 'Fileserver Type'
  • Updated GetFileserverInfo: removed Type element
  • Updated GetFileserverInfo: deprecated IsUnicode element
  • Updated SyncRequest: Removed SSH support
  • Updated SyncRequest: deprecated unicode and compression parameters


  • Added GetLicenseLog: returns the license history of a license or account
  • Updated SetSamlIdentityProvider: now supports both passing the federation metadata url or xml


  • Added ExportActivityAsCSV api call


  • Change MaxVaults behaviour, "-1" => unlimited, "0" => user cannot create vaults


  • Updated GetActivity api call to return unixdstamps for lastmtime


  • Updated example urls for storage api calls, they were using
  • Updated StartDownloadAsZip output for consistency with other asynchronous tasks


  • Added ChangeGroupManager: changes the group manager or merges 2 managed user groups
  • Added GetClientSettings: returns a list of settings to be used in clients
  • Added Poll: returns a list of messages for an account on a specific location
  • Added Reset2FASecret: resets the two factor auth secret
  • Modified CreateAccout: does not return account info anymore, use GetAccountInfo api call
  • Modified GetFileserverInfo: Removed StorageApiUrlInternal and StorageApiPublicUrl info
  • Modified GetFileservers: Removed StorageApiUrlInternal and StorageApiPublicUrl info
  • Modified sample urls, controller is /ctrller and storage is /storage
  • Modified SyncRequest (internal): Added the reason for a fullsync when there is a fullsync required.
  • Removed ConfirmPartnerForgotPassword: was removed in 7.0.2


  • Added AddAMSCommandToGoup: adds a command to an AMS group
  • Added AddAccountToGroup: adds an account to an AMS group
  • Added CreateAMSCommand: creates a new AMS command
  • Added CreateAMSGroup: creates a new AMS group
  • Added DownloadReport: downloads a result from the asynchronous tasks
  • Added DownloadServerLogs: starts an asynchronous task that generates an archive with all logs, see DownloadReport and GetAsynchronousTaskStatus as well
  • Added ExportAccountsAsCSV api call: starts an asynchronous task that generates a csv. See DownloadReport for downloading the result when complete, supports filtering/sorting
  • Added ExportFileserversAsCSV: starts an asynchronous task that generates a csv with vaults. See DownloadReport for downloading the result when complete, supports filtering/sorting
  • Added ExportLicensesAsCSV: starts an asynchronous task that generates a csv with licenses. See DownloadReport for downloading the result when complete, supports filtering/sorting
  • Added GetAccountCommands: gets all the AMS commands an account has access on, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added GetAccountGroups: gets all the groups an account is assigned to , supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added GetAMSCommandAccounts: gets the accounts that have access on this AMS command, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added GetAMSCommandGroups: gets the groups that are the AMS command is part of, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added GetAMSCommandInfo: gets information about an AMS command
  • Added GetAMSGroupAccounts: gets the accounts that have are assigned this group, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added GetAMSGroupCommands: gets the AMS commands that are in this group, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added GetAMSGroupInfo: gets information about an AMS group
  • Added GetAsynchronousTasks (controller): gets the current asynchronous tasks
  • Added GetAsynchronousTaskStatus (controller): gets the status of an asynchronous task on the controller
  • Added GetApplianceLicense: gets the license for the current server
  • Added GetLinkDetails: gets the parameters assgigned to a link (example: a change email link id)
  • Added GetServerStatus: gets a report of the current status of the server with load, disk usage, installed packages and more
  • Added UpdateApplianceLicense: forces an update of the license for the server
  • Added RemoveAccountFromGroup: removes an account from an AMS group
  • Added RemoveAMSCommand: removes an AMS command
  • Added RemoveAMSCommandFromGroup: removes an AMS command from an AMS group
  • Added RemoveAMSGroup: removes an AMS group
  • Added RemoveAsynchronousTask: marks an asynchronous as complete
  • Added SearchAMSAccount: gets the accounts that are assigned to AMS groups, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added SearchAMSCommand: gets the AMS commands, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added SearchAMSGroup: gets the AMS groups, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Added SearchLicense: used for searching licenses on the server, supports paging, sorting and filtering
  • Modified CheckAccountStatus: now returns that the account exists when using SAML auth
  • Modified SearchAccount: added paging, filtering and sorting
  • Modified SearchFileserver: added paging, filtering and sorting
  • Modified SearchLocation: added paging, filtering and sorting
  • Modified GetPermissions: added filtering, sorting and filtering
  • Modified GetLicenses: added filtering and sorting based on license status
  • Modified GetFileservers: added paging, sorting and filtering
  • Modified GetDashboards: added sorting on lastaccessed date
  • Modified GetTransferCode: now supports AMS authentication
  • Modified SetPasswordPolicy api call: added the option of two-factor authentication
  • Modified GetPasswordPolicy api call: see documentation for details
  • Modified Logon api call: added the option of two-factor authentication
  • Modified Logon api call: LocationID is now a required value
  • Removed SetConnector api call: no longer used
  • Added ConfigureTwoFactorAuth api call
  • Modified CheckAccountStatus: Can now return AuthMethod 'TwoFactorAuth'


  • Modified GetAccountInfo: removed deprecated billing info, hasfailedpayments and Vault with Location lists (use getfileservers and getpermissions instead)
  • Modified GetAccountInfo: ExtendedAccountInfo replaced with ExtendedInfo parameter for consistency
  • Modified GetFileserverInfo: removed user list and added undocumented params in the documentation
  • Modified GetFileservers: Removed user list and added undocumented params in the documentation


  • Deprecated CreatePartnerAccount API response (only status & message should be used)
  • Deprecated CreateAccount API response (only status & message should be used)
  • Deprecated CreateFileserver API response (only status & message should be used)
  • Added GetContacts api call
  • Added GetThemeImage api call
  • Added GetTheme api call
  • Added SetTheme api call


For the new paging and filtering that has been applied to some API calls, please read the paging and filtering documentation.

  • Modified GetFileserverInfo: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified SuspendAccount: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified SuspendFileserver: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified ReActivateFileserver: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified GetCompanyInfo: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified CreateFileserver: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified DestroyAccount: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified GetAccountInfo: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified DestroyFileserver: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified GetPartnerInfo: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified GetLicenseInfo: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Modified ReActivateAccount: removed IPAddress authentication, use AMS authentication instead
  • Added SetPasswordPolicy api call
  • Added GetPasswordPolicy api call
  • Added PasswordExpiryDstamp in the GetAccountInfo api cal
  • Modified GetFileLink, SendFileLink and EditLink: added AllowDownload param, when set on true, the user will only be able to preview and not download the file
  • Modified GetLicenses: added Paging and filtering(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Modified GetActivity controller: added Paging and filtering(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Modified GetActivity storage: added Paging and filtering(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Modified GetDashboards: added Paging(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Modified GetExternalUsers: added Paging and filtering(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Modified GetLinkAccessInfo: added Paging and filtering(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Modified GetLinks: added Paging and filtering(see paging and filtering documentation)
  • Added GetLinkAccessInfo controller api call: gets the access log of a specific file/folderlink or widget
  • Removed GetFileInfo controller api call
  • Subject parameter has been removed from the API calls GetFilelink, SendFileLink and SendFolderLink. It is no longer used.
  • Now using correct casing for the HasPreview and IsEditable result tags in Ls and Search API calls.


  • Modified GetPermissions ctrller api call: added account name(nmua)
  • Modified Logon ctrller api call: added Email parameter when logging on with a AccessToken (File/Folder/Widget link)
  • Modified CheckAccountStatus ctrller api call: removed HasVaults parameter (use GetFileservers)
  • Modified RequestAccess ctrller api call: added support for AMS accounts (without partner account)
  • Modified CreateFileserver ctrller api call: added StorageBackend parameter
  • Modified RemoveTrash storage api call: added Async parameter for asynchronous support
  • Removed ZohoUpload storage api call: replaced by Preview
  • Modified Search storage api call: added the hasPreview and isEditable parameter
  • Modified Ls storage api call: added the hasPreview and isEditable parameter
  • Added Preview storage api call: generic preview that supports multiple file formats (see Ls/GetFileInfo)
  • Added StartMoveFileserver api call: used to move a vault between storage nodes
  • Added RestoreFolderRevision storage api call: used to restore a folder and its contents


  • Changed GetMangedGroupFileservers: now has an ExtendedInfo=true/false parameter to return more information about the vaults
  • Changed GetMangedGroupFileservers: now returns more information about the owner and admin
  • Added GetFileserversForUser: returns a list of vaults for one of your managed users with the access and owner/admin info
  • Added GetFileserverUsers: returns a list of accounts with the path(s) that have access to on this Vault
  • GetDashboards api call now returns ClientVersion of the devices
  • Removed RestoreFolderRevision api call: Not compatible with new smart revisions
  • Removed Phone, State, ZipCode, Address, Address2, Country parameters from ChangeAccountInfo, CreateAccount calls. This information is/was never used. We will no longer store it.
  • Phone, State, ZipCode, Address, Address2, Country parameters will be empty in GetAccountInfo. The empty tags will remain for backwards compatibility with the mobile applications.


  • Added recursive option to the GetLinks
  • Confirming an already confirmed account now returns success instead of failure
  • Removed User list in InviteUser call
  • Added GetPermissions api call: gets permissions for a vault or specific path
  • Removed AcceptFileserverInvite, ReInviteUser, ResendInviteMail, GetPendingInvites: vault invitation are auto accepted now
  • Removed GetAMSToken api call: unused & undocumented call
  • Removed GetInvoices api call: was moved to billing api in version 5.0.0
  • Removed UpgradeFileserver api call: none functional since 5.0.0
  • Removed DeleteLocalFileserver api call: unused and undocumented api call
  • Removed RemoveUnassignedLicense api call: unused and undocumented api call
  • Removed GetNotifications api call: no use for getting all notifications anymore
  • Removed AcceptFileserverInvite and ReInvite api call, invites are now automatically accepted
  • Removed Timestamps in ReportUsage api call: disk usage is updated immediatly instead of nightly
  • Removed GetAccounts api call: unused call


  • Fixed type in GetAccountInfo when using AMS/Partner token. FileserverInfo was typed as FilserverInfo
  • Added access settings for the GetAccountInfo api call
  • Added AMS authentication for the GetDashboards api call
  • Removed Locations from GetAccountInfo with ExtendedAccountInfo param = true (use GetDashboards)
  • Modified GetAccountInfo with a CertKey parameter
  • Added GetSamlIdentityProvider and SetSamlIdentityProvider
  • Added SAML authentication to Logon
  • Removed ClientCert authentication from Logon
  • Added authentication method to CheckAccountStatus


  • Removed StorageApiPublicUrlInternal parameter from the GetFileserverInfo and GetFileservers api calls (duplicate, should not be used)


  • EndAccountTrial api call has been removed from the api, use EndTrial instead
  • ReportUsage now returns only the usage for Installed and Suspended Vaults - Removed vaults are not included anymore(bugfix)
  • EndTrial does only create a grace license if the user doesn't have licenses and will not remove any existing licenses anymore
  • EndTrial does not reactivate suspended accounts anymore, use the ReActivateAccount api call for that
  • The UpdateComputerDescription API Call (Controller - TheftGuard) is now deprecated. You should use 'ChangeComputerDescription' instead.
  • ConfirmAccountTransfer API Call now invalidates the transfer code so it can't be used multiple times.
  • Improved error codes and error handling.
  • DestroyAccount will now ignore pending licenses (used to fail).
  • GetFileservers API Call now returns the public storage api urls (Only affects AD environments)
  • All API calls that are used by desktop clients can now authenticate with logon Tokens as well.
  • API performance has been dramatically improved and should no longer time out when dealing with many users/licenses/vaults/...


  • The CancelUser API Call (Controller - Vault Management) now supports UsernamePassword (client) Authentication.
  • The ReActivateFileserver API Call (Controller - Vault Management) no longer supports IP Authentication (Security).
  • The ForgotPassword API Call (Controller - Account Management) now supports AMS Authentication.
  • Kerberos Authentication was added. (Active Directory support)
  • GetFileserverInfo API Call (Controller - Vault Management) can now be used with Fileservername or FileserverLabel again (Regression)
  • Logon API Call now returns Mobile Device Control settings.
  • AssignLicenses API call now has a 'ReturnLink' parameter that can be used to generate 'Accept' links. (AMS only)
  • Added new parameters for Vault Quota feature in the ChangeAccountInfo, ChangeFileserverInfo (AMS Authentication only).
  • GetAccountInfo API call now returns the 'MaxVaults' property (Vault Quota feature)
  • GetFileserverInfo API Call now returns the 'Quota' and 'QuotaWarningLevel' properties. (Vault Quota feature)
  • ReportUsage API Call no longer returns info for vaults of which you are a guest user. (bugfix)
  • All calls can now return the API Error Code 4081 (Stolen) when the locationid you pass is reported stolen (TheftGuard)
  • GetDashboardLocations API call now returns the 'Accuracy' property (TheftGuard)
  • Location parameters can now be passed to all API Calls, to update the Location properties.