
Checks if the given Account has access on the given Fileserver for a certain Location.

When the Location does not exist, it is created.

The LastAccessByAccountID field is updated when the RequestAccess was successful.

If the IPAddress and ClientVersion are sent, Location is updated with the passed values.

Authentication Methods

  • ApiKey
Input Parameter Type Description
Token* String Security token
UserName* String Account name(nmua)
FileserverName* String Workspace name(nmsa)
LocationID* String LocationID
ClientVersion* String Version Number of the Client (only required for the Client)
Password* String Password for that user
StorageNode* String The hostname of the StorageNode that makes this request
IPAddress String IPAddress of the Client (only required for the Client)

Output Parameter | Type | Description
---| ---| ---
AccessType | AccessType | Returns, None, ReadOnly or ReadWrite

Token => EmailPassword and AccessToken authentication
UserNamePassword Authentication => ClientVersion, Password, Location, Workspace, IPAddress


curl '' 


Logged in as a user


Logged in as a partner


Logged in as an AMS account


Logged in with an access token
