
Returns the links of the requested fileserver(s).

Authentication Methods

  1. With a username and password
Input Parameter Type Description
Token* String Security token
FileserverName String Array of FileserverNames
Output Parameter Type Description
Links Links[] Array of Links filtered by the given parameters


curl -g '[]=nmsa000000000812&Offset=0&Limit=25&Sort=-creationdate&FilterBy=&FilterValue='


            <Message>FolderLink Message here</Message>
            <Message>FileLink for logs</Message>
            <Subject>I would like to share « Convocation.pdf » with you</Subject>
            <Message>Please send feedback before friday</Message>
            <Subject>I would like to share Convocation.pdf with you</Subject>
            <Message>Send feedback</Message>
            <Message>Up to date file</Message>
            <Subject>Budget file for first quarter</Subject>
            <Message>The budget for this first quarter of 2000</Message>
            <Subject>Folder: Pathtest</Subject>
            <Subject>Folder : TestPath11</Subject>
            <Subject>Folder: チキン</Subject>
            <Subject>FolderLink for project example</Subject>
            <Subject>Phone number list</Subject>